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Pain free jaundice measurement at your doorstep

We are a home visit service that provides door to door jaundice check up for new born babies. We use Transcutaneous Bilirubin (TCB) measurement to ensure a pain free evaluation.


Simply fill up the table for our staff to be in touch with you.

Contact Us

Fees & Charges

Jaundice Check Up Prices (* Price adjustment happening on 1st April 2022)

Childhood Developmental Screening 

Childhood developmental screening aims to identify concerns or delays in development during the early years, and is usually conducted as preventive care for all children. In align with the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS) by the Ministry of Health, this is the recommended vaccination schedule. 

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Fees & Charges
Image by Minnie Zhou


For the first jaundice check up

Image by Luma Pimentel


For additional check up required

Image by Irina Murza


Additional charge for 

weekends and public holidays

Our Approach

Our pain free Approach 

There are two ways of checking for jaundice: 


  1. - Transcutaneous Bilirubin( TCB)  

  2. - Serum Bilirubin (SB)


JaundiceBaby uses the TCB measurement. It is a pain free way of monitoring and measuring neonatal jaundice. For TCB measurements, a meter will be placed on your child's head or chest. This meter will send a quick flash of light through the skin to measure the bilirubin level.  


Even though TCB is commonly used in Singapore polyclinics and paediatrics, there are still many clinics using the more painful (SB) for measurement. 





About Jaundice

About Jaundice

What is Jaundice 

​Jaundice is the yellow colour seen in the skin of many newborns and happens when a chemical called bilirubin builds up in baby's blood. It can occur in babies of any race. 

Types of Jaundice in babies

  1. PhysiologicJaundice 

  2. Pathologic Jaundice 

  3. Breastfeeding Jaundice

  4. Breastmilk Jaundice 

Causes of Jaundice 

Bilirubin in the blood is normally removed by the liver. Before birth, the mother's liver does this for the baby.


Jaundice is common in newborns because their immature livers require a few days to develop before it can eliminate the bilirubin efficiently.

Symptoms of Jaundice 

  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes

  • Yellowing of palms of the hands and soles of the feet 

  • Dark yellow urine

  • Pale coloured faeces 

When should your baby get checked for Jaundice?

It is important for your baby to be seen by a nurse or doctor when your baby is between 3 to 5 days old, because this is usually the time when a baby's bilirubin level is the highest.

The timing of this visit may vary depending on the age of your baby when discharged from the hospital, advice given upon discharge and other factors.


If your baby's bilirubin level is high, he will need to be admitted to the hospital for phototherapy. This is done by placing your unclothed baby under special lights.


Phototherapy will lower the bilirubin level. The level at which jaundice is treated is significantly lower than those at which brain damage is a concern and treatment can help prevent the harmful effects of jaundice.


However, in some occasions, the level of jaundice may be so high that phototherapy may not be effective. A special procedure known as exchange transfusion might then be necessary.

Our Team

Our Team
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Dr. Wong Kai Zong


Medical Director

Dr Wong is a Family Physician who graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) with a Bachelor's Degree of Medicine & Surgery (MBBS) in 2006.  He obtained his Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine (NUS) in 2011.


Dr Wong has a wealth of experience in taking care of patients of all ages from newborns to the elderly.  During his stint as a Resident Physician Doctor at Bukit Batok Polyclinic (2010-12), he was actively involved in the neonatal jaundice screening unit, and contributed directly to an update to the polyclinic doctors on the diagnosis and management of neonatal jaundice.


Home baby jaundice checks are his brainchild, cutting out a major inconvenience for new mothers who are already juggling many issues in the first two weeks after giving birth.  He feels bringing convenience to patients when it is most needed is the most rewarding aspect of his practice.

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Brenda Zhang

Nurse Manager

RN Brenda's experience is in primary care as well as in paediatrics.  She has worked in both Mount Alvernia and Thomson Medical Centre, spending her days taking care of sick children, including many with neonatal jaundice serious enough to need admission to hospital.


She has herself two children who both had jaundice which required home phototherapy.


Having worked on both sides of this issue, she wants to bring a professional and personal touch to helping parents of newborns with jaundice.

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Zou Lin


Zou Lin has extensive pediatric nursing experience since starting her nursing career 20 years ago. She had been in KKH as a neonatal nurse. In her 10 years there, she worked in their Neonatal Special Care Unit and moving up to their Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Her baby handling skills is excellent and she is calm and extremely patient with anxious parents coming from her NICU background. Her deep knowledge in neonatal care with her advanced diploma in Pediatric Care gives parents a lot of reassurance in her experience with neonatal jaundice, be it a mild or severe case.


Your baby will be in good hands under her care.


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©2022 by JaundiceBaby

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